Ashnikko Wiki

"Back To Bed" is an unreleased song by Ashnikko featuring the production of Dennis Cathy and Tricovoi Dimitri. Little is known about this song.



  • This is the only Ashnikko song where she is not listed as one of the writers.


ve Unreleased songs
Leaked songs 5 StarBad For YouBet You WouldBitch BossBop It (second version)Bop It (third version)Build a BabeComingCreepyCuntry SongCyborgDance on the FlamesDopamine HitFuture Crazy ExGirlfriendGodzillaHalloweenie V: Night of the BansheeHeart Like MineJennifer's BodyKarmasMagicMetamorphosisNarcissusNot On My TimePowerScared of MeSwamparella (feat. unknown artist)TacoToughVillainWarm BodiesWildy0yOy0
Partially leaked songs AcneBreak My HeartDumplingFlamesFrequencyID (with Umru)PiggybackRomcomSet My Life On FireWhip You With ItWifey
Unleaked songs Back To BedBoo HooBop It (first version)FloatHalloweenie IV: Crimson MoonI Could Write About _____HandfulK.OO.M.GMicro PenisNaninaniNot My BoyfriendPeachPsychoPsychopathRiptideSupersoakTell Me WhyUglyUnblockVanilla