Ashnikko Wiki

"O.M.G" is an unreleased song by Ashnikko. Little is known about the song, however, due to the date it was listed on the ASCAP website, it is speculated that it is a DEMIDEVIL scrapped song.


The song was listed on the ASCAP Repertory website in early 2020.[1]

Official versions[]

Version Associated project Leak date Producer(s) Creation date Length
Final DEMIDEVIL Unleaked Oscar Scheller 2019-2020 Unknown


The song on Ashnikko's BMI.



DEMIDEVIL logo made by Another Melanie Fan-urro
Featured Tracks DaisyToxicDeal With ItSlumber PartyDrunk With My FriendzLittle BoyCryL8r BoiGood While It LastedClitoris! The Musical
Deluxe Edition TantrumDaisy 2.0
Outtakes AcneBad For YouBet You WouldBoo HooBreak My HeartComingCreepyDumplingFrequencyFuture Crazy ExGirlfriendKarmasMagicNarcissusPiggybackRomcomUnblockVillainWifeyWildy0yOy0
Related Bo$$ BitchPower
Artists AshnikkoKelisPrincess NokiaGrimes
Tours DEMIDEVIL: The LivestreamThe DEMIDEVIL Tour 2021
ve Unreleased songs
Leaked songs 5 StarBad For YouBet You WouldBitch BossBop It (second version)Bop It (third version)Build a BabeComingCreepyCuntry SongCyborgDance on the FlamesDopamine HitFuture Crazy ExGirlfriendGodzillaHalloweenie V: Night of the BansheeHeart Like MineJennifer's BodyKarmasMagicMetamorphosisNarcissusNot On My TimePowerScared of MeSwamparella (feat. unknown artist)TacoToughVillainWarm BodiesWildy0yOy0
Partially leaked songs AcneBreak My HeartDumplingFlamesFrequencyID (with Umru)PiggybackRomcomSet My Life On FireWhip You With ItWifey
Unleaked songs Back To BedBoo HooBop It (first version)FloatHalloweenie IV: Crimson MoonI Could Write About _____HandfulK.OO.M.GMicro PenisNaninaniNot My BoyfriendPeachPsychoPsychopathRiptideSupersoakTell Me WhyUglyUnblockVanilla